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Animal Vocabulary


Animal Vocabulary

Animal Groups

There are many kinds of animals so we put them into some groups. Basic animal groups are mammals, reptiles, birds, invertebrates, fish, and amphibians.


Mammals are animals that give birth to live young and feed them with milk. Examples of mammals include cats, dogs, cows, horses, and whales.


Reptiles are cold-blooded animals that have scales and lay eggs. Examples of reptiles include snakes, lizards, turtles, and crocodiles.


Birds are warm-blooded animals that have feathers and lay eggs. Examples of birds include eagles, owls, robins, and penguins.


Invertebrates are animals that do not have a backbone. Examples of invertebrates include insects, spiders, worms, and jellyfish.


Fish are cold-blooded animals that live in water and have gills. Examples of fish include salmon, tuna, cod, and sharks.


Amphibians are cold-blooded animals that can live in both water and on land. Examples of amphibians include frogs, toads, salamanders, and newts.

Animals in Captivity

Animals in zoos or safari parks are referred to as being in captivity but not domesticated. These animals are not used for work or food, but they are kept in a controlled environment for the purpose of conservation and education.

More Animal Vocabulary in English

Animals are an essential part of our planet's ecosystem and they come in all shapes and sizes. The English language has a vast vocabulary to describe the different types of animals, their physical characteristics, and their behavior. Knowing animal vocabulary is not only important for communicating about animals, but it can also help us to understand the natural world around us.

Here are some additional animal vocabulary words:

  • Carnivore: an animal that eats meat
  • Herbivore: an animal that eats plants
  • Omnivore: an animal that eats both plants and meat
  • Predator: an animal that hunts and kills other animals for food
  • Prey: an animal that is hunted and killed by other animals for food

